Friday Fun Facts – Nov 5th

Today marks the end of the First Marking Period.  Report Cards will be distributed on Monday to the children in grades 1, 2, 3, and 4, and on Tuesday to the children in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8.  Kindergarten students will receive a Progress Report this marking period.  MAP Assessment Family Reports will also be coming home with Report Cards for all of the children in grades 1 through 8.

Conferences are scheduled on Wednesday, November 10.  The children will have a Noon Dismissal and Aftercare will be provided.  Please remember to pack a lunch for your child if they are going to Aftercare.

Report Card Conferences are being scheduled by each individual teacher on a need be basis.  Conferences will be in person from 1:00PM until 3:00PM and from 6:00PM until 8:00PM.  Please come during your scheduled time.

The Krispy Kreme Fundraiser will be ready for pick-up on Wednesday.  Orders can be sent home with your child or picked up when you come in for your conference.

On Thursday, we will remember our Veterans who have served in the armed forces and have protected our freedoms.  A special prayer will be done during Morning Prayers and each grade level will do special projects and lessons during the day.  We will have a $1.00 Red, White and Blue Dress Down in support of our Veterans Home at Menlo Park; funds will be used as Bingo Prizes for a special Bingo Game!

As you may already know, we continue to struggle with the negative effects of Hurricane Ida.  Our boiler/heating unit is not functioning properly and parts have been ordered but have not yet arrived.  To compensate for the lack of heat, hot air is being pumped into the building through plastic tubing attached to our ceiling. The pumps are located outside of the building in two different locations. Over the past few days, the system has been adjusted daily to provide optimum heat and comfort.  It is improving daily, but we ask that the children layer their clothing wearing sweaters, sweatshirts, pants, sweat pants, tights, etc.  We are resilient and can overcome any adversity.

Calendar Raffle tickets went home to each of our families.  Hopefully, you can purchase some or all of the tickets.  Please send the bottom portion of the ticket into school with your payment.  If you cannot participate, please return the Raffle Tickets.  Raffle tickets will be sold throughout November and December and prizes will be awarded beginning in January.   Additional tickets can be sent home upon request.  All tickets should be returned by December 15.

We continue to collect foods for our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive.  The Drive continues until November 24.  If you wish to donate a Turkey, please do so on the 24th.  Food will be distributed to the Sacred Heart Food Pantry and families in need throughout the Deanery.

Don’t forget Day Light Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 7.  Remember to turn your clocks back one hour!

Please remember to wear your masks.  Children should have their masks on when entering the building and they should also have one or two extra masks in their backpacks.

Basketball Registration forms were sent home.  If your child is interested in playing on either of the school teams, 6th and 8th Grade Teams, please return all forms by Wednesday, November 10.

May God continue to bless each of you,

Mrs. Woodburn